Sunday, April 4, 2010

The minimalist approach.

Again, one of those common traits of humankind - stocking it all away. Clothes,money,foodstuff,and generally,stuff! My cupboard is full of clothes dating as old as upto 8 years.Everytime I clean it up,I take them out thinking about throwing them away for good,and slowly I find something good about each and every cloth and keep them away again.It can be anything - a good memory, a good luck superstition, a general fondness for the colour, a challenge to make the tight jeans fit me again and so on and so forth.Same goes for the books, the movies on my HDD, my age old songs and PS2 game CDs.
Its time to lose weight - mental as well as physical, to let go of the baggage for once and for all.It is like a twin change - to let go of the past and not to hoard too much of the present.So now I am going to be on a throwing (or better giving away) spree.It will be my bit for someone less fortunate as well.It starts with the clothes,will move on to the books(this is really gonna hurt - I might think of a lending scheme or something) and someday for sure- will give away a lot of money (let me hoard it just once,GOD!)

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