Sunday, April 25, 2010

And now - The wish list.

So if you read the previous post,here I am with my own updated wish list. Here goes nothing.
1)My own book in the Crossword Top Ten Books list or atleast somewhere in some corner of the store.I don't know at what point in my life, I realised that writing was the thing for me, just that it was a bit too late and beyond the stage I could have done my degree in English literature.But then, you either are a writer or you are not one.So once in my life I am gonna finish the long incomplete book of mine and chase (threaten at gunpoint) some publisher and strike this item on my wish list.So watch out for me and drop a mail to my id to pre-order your copy now.
2)To be independent.That does not mean just financially independent, but to be independent of where the financial independence is coming from.To have something of my own with my own timelines, my own rules, my own methods, my own purpose! And yes something that is so much fun that I never want to quit it anyday.
3)A Kerala trip.If you are a regular reader of my blog (I love you guys), you know by now I have been dying to go to Kerala for some years.It is still on the wish list. I hope I do visit God's own country before I visit God himself!
4)More time for myself.This is something I wish stays on my wish list for ever, and I die wishing I have more time! Do you really think we will ever have enough time for ourselves? I hope never!!
5)A library. What? Did i unwish this too last time? I must be crazy.I hope I have enough money someday to build a private library for myself and I can spend hours holed up inside while the wifey and the kid mess up my life outside those secure walls of my own private library. I even love the sound of it - my own private library!!
6)A bicycle. A car I unwished last time, so I need some other wheels I look cool on and something I can take out alone and escape whenever I want to! Yup a bicycle. I only wish I could wish the whole climate and atmosphere required for bicycling though.
7)A small change in most of the people's lives around me, which happens solely because of me, and goes without saying, happens for the better and doesn't make them wish on their wish list that I was dead.Maybe just entertain them with my writing or something!
8)Sponsoring some child's education someday.Yes, I am back to the altruistic thought and I hope to fulfil this wish soon enough!

Sunday, April 18, 2010

The Unwish list....

Hmm...Does the title sound interesting? If not,then definitely the post will.Now, this is about that eternal wish list we all carry with us - something that defines our ambitions,our limits,our dreams and our purpose in this circus called life.We are not really sure when we created this list,but for most of us it is somewhere in our 16-18 age.The 10th-12th board exams defining our intelligence (sadly in my beloved India it does) and suddenly many of us wake up to huge expectations of being engineers and doctors (and basically being money spinners).The spotlight sweeps us off our feet and we make one huge wish list(cmon,don't pretend you were never into this!).And sadly,I still see people taking decisions based on that stupid wish list.And worse,adding to it day by day.Well,as usual I have to rebel against this one dimensional flow. So here is my unwish list,or things I strike off my wish list today,realising I don't really need these and there are much much more important things to strive for.So here goes,at the risk of sounding like a saint:
1)The Mercedes Benz.Give me one guy who hasn't at one time in his life thought of getting this car once in his life and I will show you a guy who never shagged once for a fantasy woman.So this car is off my list now.I don't need it,swear.Driving is a pain in mumbai and I am in love with the autorickshaw now.
2)All the gaming consoles in the world.Well,I was almost there.Media,Sega,PS2,PSP,Nintendo GameBoy and was almost on my way to add the XBoX 360 to this collection.But sadly,I grew up,yup even I do that sometimes,if only much much slower than the average male.So now, I am off this.
3)Hotel food.I am done with this.3 years in pune and I have eaten as much stuff outside as I can and as varied as possible.I was the sort who was always game for food outside,but now,puke!!
4)A private library.Hmmm,this is not completely or permanently off the list.Maybe moved down the list.One book a month is the best I can manage nowadays with work and other distractions.So,a library I won't need anytime soon.
5)Loads of portable hard disks.I have a 500gb currently,and I don't know when I am gonna be able to watch all the movies in it.I think it will suffice till one of us is dead.
6)A suit or actually a life which permits and demands wearing it.Trust me,this has been on my list even before Barney made it popular to suit up.But,now comes the understanding that suit life would be slavery to some big company or brand and I aim to be free in a couple of years soon.So a suit I won't be needing now!
Ohh,btw,if you bored now for sometime,that I go on and on about simplifying life and making it unmaterialistic,do come back next sunday.I will come up with my modified wish list :)

Sunday, April 4, 2010

The minimalist approach.

Again, one of those common traits of humankind - stocking it all away. Clothes,money,foodstuff,and generally,stuff! My cupboard is full of clothes dating as old as upto 8 years.Everytime I clean it up,I take them out thinking about throwing them away for good,and slowly I find something good about each and every cloth and keep them away again.It can be anything - a good memory, a good luck superstition, a general fondness for the colour, a challenge to make the tight jeans fit me again and so on and so forth.Same goes for the books, the movies on my HDD, my age old songs and PS2 game CDs.
Its time to lose weight - mental as well as physical, to let go of the baggage for once and for all.It is like a twin change - to let go of the past and not to hoard too much of the present.So now I am going to be on a throwing (or better giving away) spree.It will be my bit for someone less fortunate as well.It starts with the clothes,will move on to the books(this is really gonna hurt - I might think of a lending scheme or something) and someday for sure- will give away a lot of money (let me hoard it just once,GOD!)