Saturday, January 16, 2010

Dec 28 to Jan 3 - The patching up

The new year is upon us soon. It is going to be 2010! I remember in school how odd it felt when 1999 changed to 2000. It took some time getting used to writing the 00 instead of 99, in all the dates we would write in our notebooks, each period. It is hard to believe, I have graduated from 00 to 09 and soon it would be 10 this week. But it won't be much of a problem, we don't really write the dates in our routine lives do we? It can be 10 or 50, who cares? It is just a number. And so, I now embark on this journey, to make this just a number interesting and meaningful for myself, atleast week by week. So Dec 28 to Jan 3 became the week I patched up with a friend of mine. I know I know, whats the big deal? Well, he was at daggers with me, hated my guts and frankly, I think it is difficult to patch up. I have not seen many people doing it, they being too good for it, or just the lack of time and effort being a problem. Anyways, I went ahead and talked with the guy, shared a few drinks and unbelievably, had one of the best party, all with music, dance and drinks and a lot of man to man! I got to see the humane side of the guy, who I considered inhuman (my mistake) and even had fun. It was one of the best starts of the new year and now, the last time I checked, there is no one on my list of people who would want me dead, so bye bye 'looking over my shoulder' this 2010. And here I am, one thing crossed off my list of 'Make it Happen'.

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